Die benoemings vir die sesde Suid-Afrikaanse Film-en- televisie-toekennings:
Beste akteur:
Retribution, Jeremy Crutchley
Skoonheid, Dean Lotz
Retribution, Joe Mafela
State of Violence, Fana Mokoena
Beste akteur in ‘n ondersteunende rol:
State of Violence, Motlatse Mafatshe
State of Violence, Neo Ntlatleng
Master Harold And The Boys, Patrick Mafokeng
Roepman, Andrew Thompson
Beste aktrise:
Beste aktrise in ‘n ondersteunende rol:
Skoonheid, Michelle Scott
Master Harold And The Boys, Jennifer Steyn
Roepman, Desire Gardner
Beste film:
Black Butterfies

Beste regisseur:
Skoonheid, Oliver Hermanus
Skeem, Timothy Greene
Paradise Stop, Jann Turner
State of Violence, Khalo Matabane
Beste kostuum-ontwerp:
Black Butterflies, Ree Donnelly
Master Harold And The Boys, Pierre Viennings
Roepman, Marle Drotsky
Beste skrywer/s:
Skeem, Timothy Greene
Black Butterflies, Greg Latter
Retribution, Mukunda Michael Dewil
State of Violence, Khalo Matabane
Beste komposisie:
The Bang Bang Club, Phillip Miller
Skoonheid, Ben Ludik
Black Butterflies, Phillip Miller
Master Harold And The Boys, Barry Donnelly